Lady Falcons are bi-district champions
The North Forney Lady Falcons are bi-district champions with their victory over Texarkana Texas High School last weekend.
The North Forney Lady Falcons are bi-district champions with their victory over Texarkana Texas High School last weekend.
Reminder to Parents of High School Seniors
The Forney Messenger got a "sneak peek" at the plans for the upcoming expansion of Hwy 80 that will be unveiled and on display at the City Council meeting on Tuesday at 6:30pm.
During their regular meeting held Apr. 18, the City Council approved site plans and preliminary plats for six businesses and one church that are planning to locate in Forney.
The Kaufman County Sheriff’s Office responded to the report of a shooting in the 8000 block of Kelton Drive in Crandall, Kaufman County, Texas on April 23, 2017 at 10:30 p. m..
Forney police are asking the public’s help in solving the burglary of a Forney gun shop in which several firearms were taken the night of Apr. 17-18, the Forney Messenger has learned.
On April 10-11, the Forney ISD golf teams participated in the District 15-5A Golf Tournament at the Rockwall Golf & Athletic Club.
Street crews from Axis Contracting Co. are in the early stages of improving drainage and parking along East Main St. In photos taken Monday, Apr.
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 936, Forney, TX 75126
Physical Address: 201 W. Broad St., Forney, TX 75126
Phone: 972-564-3121
Fax: 972-552-3599