Columns & Editorials


The City of Forney does a lot of things right. It provides an easy way to access agendas and minutes of City Council meetings, and it keeps citizens updated on news relating to city activities.

Stranger Than Most

Before you go ballistic, remember that we’re all going to die of SOMETHING. And, despite the fact of my having cancer, the odds are still greater that I’ll die in a car accident.


We get suspicious emails all the time. A lot of them carry dire warnings about our needing to use a link in the e-mail to prevent our e-mail service from being shut down.


Forney Messenger

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 936, Forney, TX 75126
Physical Address: 201 W. Broad St., Forney, TX 75126
Phone: 972-564-3121
Fax: 972-552-3599