Columns & Editorials

Ask Aunt B


Dear Aunt B, I am not a very good learner. I wasn’t that successful in school, and now I am having a hard time learning new things as well.

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“Sweetie, be still. You have something on your face.” It was coming. I knew it. The electricity in the air changed. She licked her thumb. She wiped my face. I could smell her saliva mixed with the unmistakable aroma of a recent long Salem Light cigarette and a cup of Folgers coffee brewed in a percolator. I cringed, unable to will away the urge to wriggle against her grip on my arm. My mother had leveled me once again. What is this unexplainable thing that mothers do to young children with remnants of Jello pudding crusted in the corners of their mouths? Was my spotless mouth that detrimental to our reputation? Why the spit and shine? I wonder, at times, do the sons of mothers obsessed with clean mouths also feel this way? And, so it began, my six-year-old mental list of things about my mother I could not stand. By the time I entered my teens, the list had triple compounded. Why, oh why, did she harp on and on about the same things? Would the world really end if I didn’t make my bed? Night air cannot be the serial killer she made it out to be. Is it not abuse to be subjected to the story of the bicycle spoke piercing her ankle as the child version of her rode over the train tracks with the train whistle blowing? And, why the obsession with lemon juice and honey for sore throats? I did not believe anything she said. I was so much smarter, you see. Why, I understood the world. She did not. That was crystal clear to me.

Ask Aunt B

Ask Aunt B

B Dear Aunt B, I would really like to find a positive role model in my life. I have friends that encourage me and a great family that supports me, but I like the idea of having an older woman that can pour into me as I’m figuring out life and raising my children. The only thing is, I don’t know how to meet someone and just ask them if they’ll mentor me. Do you have any advice?

Make a Left

Three Rights Make a Left

Growing up in South Texas, air conditioning was a dream that remained an unattainable dream for most of my childhood. Everyone in the house had a fan that provided some relief for the summer heat at night. When I was in my early high school years, my fan was inherited from my great grandmother, Ella Barber. It was a box fan, but it was an ancient ancestor to the cheap plastic box fans that we buy today. The actual fan blade was made of metal, and it was behind metal fins. It was held together by wood at the top and bottom and had a cord that was covered with cloth not plastic.


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